samedi 23 janvier 2021


source: Oh my Mag! in MSN

author: Emeline Bernard 

translation: GoogleTranslate/doxa-louise

3 mistakes we all make when cooking potatoes!

3 mistakes we all make when cooking potatoes© Provided by Oh My Mag 3 mistakes to avoid that we all make when cooking potatoes

Potatoes are the ultimate consumer product. Indeed, this tuber finds its place in many recipes, either as a main ingredient or as an accompaniment. It must be said that between the Parmentier mince, soups, winter dishes such as tartiflette and raclette or salads, there is always a good reason to cook a few potatoes.

Yet even though this popular product is cooked regularly, the cooking itself is not always done properly. Check out three mistakes we all make when baking potatoes.

Mistake # 1: peeling them when raw

Peeling potatoes seems to be the first thing to do when cooking. However, this stage can be long and painful, the skin being thin and the sizes of the potatoes very variable. The best option is to cook the potatoes directly with their skins on. They will be much easier to peel since it will be enough to make a cut with a knife and remove the skin.

In addition, they will taste better. The great cook Joël Robuchon used to cook them in their skin to make his famous puree.

Mistake # 2: we cook them in boiling water

As with most vegetables, we heat the water, wait until it boils, and we put the potatoes in it. Big mistake ! When the potato cooks directly in boiling water, it will cook on the outside and stay firm in the center. Result, the cooking is not uniform and it does not hold well.

The best option is to start cooking with cold water. From the time of boiling, it takes 20 minutes of cooking (10 minutes for small potatoes). This will help you achieve even cooking.

Mistake # 3: we prick them to check for doneness

To check the doneness of the potatoes, we tend to prick them every 5 minutes to see if it's time to remove them from the pan or not. As a result, the potatoes decompose in the water. Not very appetizing.

To avoid this, keep in mind the cooking times of the potatoes:

10 min : this is the minimum time to cook  potatoes, they will never be overcooked underneath.

15 min : this is the cooking time for small potatoes (like baby potatoes)

20 min : this is the cooking time for large potatoes (used in salads or mashed potatoes)

It is therefore appropriate to prick the potatoes only once at the end of this cooking time . If the tip of the knife comes out easily, your potatoes are done. Otherwise, they will take a few minutes longer to cook.

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