mercredi 10 février 2021

My Year

 So I gave pigs some unwarranted shade yesterday, my bad.

It is not a habit of mine; indeed, I remember thinking I was

doing rats a disservice by comparing one of my exes to one...😂

Kidding, kidding!

Turns out that - in Chinese astrology  - this is my year. A year 

of the Ox, and they come by every 12 years; as I am an Ox given

my birth year. I am a dependable person.

Interestingly, the fact that this is a power year for me does not entail

that I will have good luck. On the contrary, in a year where I stand

out, bad luck lurks and I need to be extra careful not to offend anyone.

As for Pigs, they are apparently in for a year of advancement and

wealth. Voilà!

                                    *     *     *

An enigmatic sidenote: The latest census in China shows

the birth rate is down for 2020.

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